Par e-veikalu Piegāde Kontakti Klientu atbalsts Mūsu veikals: KR.VALDEMĀRA IELA 25/4, RĪGA, LV-1010 (+371) 67-33-33-12
* visi lauki ir obligāti
Tīkla produkti ar vadiem > Maršrutētāji (Rūteri)
334.33 €
* Cena attiecas pirkumam tiešsaistē
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Lai pasūtīt vairāk par 3 ievadiet vēlamu skaitu un nospiediet "Apstiprināt"

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Kr. Valdemāra iela 25/4, Rīga
09.03.2025 bezmaksas
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11.03.2025 no 4.25 €
Piegāde ar kurjeru
12.03.2025 no 10.99 €
Ekspress piegāde
10.03.2025 no 19.99 €
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skaidra nauda, ​​bankas karte, pārskaitījums
Pieejams par cenu 334.33 €: 6
Kopumā pieejams pasūtīšanai*: 19
* Lai pasūtīt vairāk ielieciet vēlamu skaitu grozā
This version of the RB5009 has all the bells and whistles of the previous model: Gigabit Ethernet, 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet, and a 10 Gigabit SFP+ cage for fiber connectivity. It has the speed, the power, and the durability. But this time, we have added PoE-in & PoE-out on all eight Ethernet ports. Combined with the 2-pin connector and the DC jack, you’re getting 10 separate ways of powering. Dual redundant power supplies would usually take your uninterrupted uptime to the next level. RB5009UPr+S+IN takes it one step above that!

All power options support a wide voltage range of 24 – 57 V. However, you can not mix the voltages. If you’re using PoE-out to power other devices, the board will choose the source with the highest voltage (DC jack or the 2-pin connector) to power those.

Each PoE-out port can supply up to 25W of power. All the ports combined are limited to 130W, which should be enough for most setups. You can specify maximum available power from your power sources manually, if necessary. When it comes to PoE-out features, the new RB5009 can trade blows with our legendary PoE switches: CRS354 & CRS328. In the smallest possible form-factor and for the best price on the market!

Protect your uptime, protect your tranquility!

So what exactly happens if there is a problem with one of your power sources? Here’s a quick example: you have 24V on the DC jack, 48V on the 2-pin connector, and 57V on the PoE-in. The board itself gets powered by the highest voltage input – the PoE-in. If there’s a problem, RB5009 will fall back to the second highest voltage - the 2-pin connector. And if that fails – there’s the 24V option on the DC jack.

What about the PoE-out devices? Once again – the highest voltage wins. PoE-out devices will draw power from the 48V source on the 2-pin connector. If that fails – the 24V on the DC jack come into play. The board will always reserve 20 watts to power itself. If there is not enough power for all the PoE-out ports, it will start disabling the ones with the lowest priority. You can set the port priority manually.

This tiny form-factor shines anywhere: from confined research facilities and offices to huge corporate server rooms. And don’t forget that you can mount FOUR of these routers in a single 1U rackmount space

With the new RB5009, we want to empower all the small and medium ISPs that are always on the lookout for the most cost-effective and robust solutions. It is a perfect addition to our previous GPEN devices – a line of products designed to replace the expensive GPON solutions.
Network Device Type Router
Description MIKROTIK RB5009UPR+S+IN 
2.5GbE 1
SFP+ 1
USB 3.0 1
Memory (RAM) 1GB
Operating temperature range -40°C — 60°C
10Base-T / 100Base-TX / 1000Base-T 7
Full Description Line Network Device Type Router|7x10Base-T / 100Base-TX / 1000Base-T|1x2.5GbE|1xSFP+|1xUSB 3.0|Memory (RAM) 1GB|Operating temperature range -40°C — 60°C
Model RB5009UPr+S+IN
ID: 260879
EAN: 4752224007155
Preces kods: RB5009UPR+S+IN
270.02 €
Pieejams: 13
334.33 €
Pieejams: 6

Kopumā pieejams pasūtīšanai*: 19
* Lai pasūtīt vairāk ielieciet vēlamu skaitu grozā
Preču kategorijas
Servisa pakalpojumiApple produktiDatortehnikaDatoru piederumiBiroja precesTīkla produktiViedierīcesTV, Foto un elektrinikaAutoprecesOUTLET piedāvājums
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Mūsu veikals:
Kr.Valdemāra iela 25/4, Rīga, LV-1010
Darba laiks:
Darbdienās 10.00-18.00
(+371) 67-33-33-12
Copyright ©2002-2024 "Multisistema Riga" SIA
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Bezmaksas - saņemot preces datorsalonā Kr.Valdemāra 25/4, Rīgā, darbadienās 10.00-18.00.

Ja pasūtījuma summa pārsniedz 90 €, piegāde ir bezmaksas.

Omniva pakomāti - 4.50 €.

Piegāde ar kurjeru - 5.50 €.

Ekspress-kurjera piegāde - 12.00 €.

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  1. SIA Multisistēma Rīga, līdz brīdim, kamēr internetveikala menedžeris nav apstiprinājis pasūtījumu, ir tiesības atcelt klienta pasūtījumu, ja tiek konstatētas neatbilstības preču aprakstos vai cenās.
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Apmaksas kārtība

  1. Apmaksu var veikt:
    • ar pārskaitījumu bankā (maksājot ar pārskaitījumu, preci var saņemt, kad nauda ieskaitīta Multisistēma Rīga bankas kontā.
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